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Cedars Sinai Prostate Cancer Information

Most commonly, prostate cancer causes no symptoms other than an abnormal blood test that measures the presence of prostate specific antigen (PSA). Other, but more rare, presenting symptoms can include difficulty urinating or pain in the back, hips or legs.

Why choose UCLA Health for prostate cancer care?

The UCLA Health Prostate Cancer Program is part of the Institute of Urologic Oncology at the Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center (JCCC). The JCCC has an international reputation for providing the best in experimental and traditional cancer treatments.

Prostate cancer is a disease in which cells in the prostate start growing abnormally and uncontrollably…

At the end of their treatment, our cancer survivors will receive a Survivorship Care Plan, a personalized document created by the survivor’s health care team….

Your prostate cancer is every bit as unique as you are. That is why City of Hope’s physicians will consult with you and your loved ones to determine the best treatment options, based on your diagnosis and your health goals. The most common treatments for prostate cancer are surgery, radiation therapy and drug therapy…

Prostate Cancer Research Articles

Prostate Cancer Research Results and Study Updates

Prostate Cancer: Symptoms, treatments, and causes

Prostate cancer is a common type of cancer in males, but it is highly treatable in the early stages. It begins in the prostate gland, which sits between the penis and the bladder…

Providence – Prostate Cancer Care

When you’re a patient at Providence, we don’t just treat your prostate cancer – we treat you. We use the most advanced treatments to create a highly personalized care plan. We also support you and your loved ones with a full range of services throughout your entire cancer journey. The result is effective, whole-person care for your body, mind and spirit.